Thursday, July 31, 2008

Child-like innocence

I am so thankful for the sweetness and innocence of my child. Tonight we are having a thunderstorm. Kingston was so content to sit at the back door and watch the storm. I also got a running commentary of what was going on...

I see thunder. I'm going to help the wind blow faster (when the wind was blowing he blew too!). God's watering my flowers and roses. Isn't God sweet? I see (what's that word-lightening) lightening, was it yellow or orange?

Oh, I need these sweet moments sometimes to remember how much I love my child!


Spellings Fam said...

So sweet. Ammie just wanted to crawl up in my lap. Also sweet, but I was feeding Cal!

Paula Jennings said...

How sweet!

loui said...

too cute!

Amy Griffin said...

I know Kingston is ALWAYS so sweet!
