Thursday, September 3, 2009

Kingston loves Star Wars so much....

he decided to become one of the characters!

Seriously, we are not sure what happened. He said he hit his head on the car door last night, but the Dr. said it looks like something bit him (even though he couldn't find a bite). Oh well! He is on antibiotics since the dr. said it looks like an infection. Kingston is his normal self, plus a little more wild!

Doesn't look too bad...

but there is a knot on his head and his ear is twice the size it should be!

Daddy was hoping he would pick up the NFL network with his new "satellite"

Wondering why mommy is still taking pictures???

Decides to smile through all the "pain"


Laurel said...

Awww! Poor Kingston! Mackenzie's forehead did that a couple of weeks ago.

jean said...

Oh my Kingston what a big ear you have! Glad it's back to normal. Love Gimmama

Amy Griffin said...

Oh my word...We do hate to laugh at Kingston's expense but hopefully he is better now..poor boy, at least he wasn't in school yet.
