Monday, December 29, 2008

A Union City Christmas

We wrapped up our holiday tour with a stay at Gimmama and Grandpa's house. The weather was unusually warm, which suited Kingston just fine. He and Grandpa spent several hours playing outside! Camden gave us a nice Christmas Day present--his voice and smile! He has discovered them both and it is so sweet to sit and watch him.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas in Missouri

We headed to West Plains for Christmas with Mimi and Pops. Kingston had a great time playing at Mimi's house before we went on over to Branson. All the family met up on the way and lots of cousin fun was the result! Kingston loves his cousins SO much. I know he wishes he could play with them everyday!! Silver Dollar City, Dixie Stampede, and the cabin were the highlights of the trip. We ended our adventure back at Mimi's house with presents and card games! Thanks Mimi and Pops for a GREAT Christmas!

Growing Little Boy

Monday, December 15, 2008

Morning Play Time

Kingston and Camden have been enjoying some morning play time. Today they hung out on the bed and Kingston shared his panda with Camden.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Alpine Village

Our reach group headed out to visit the Alpine Village and then to dinner. Kingston had lots of fun, especially in the "snow". He even made snow angels!!! We also talked him into sitting on Santa's lap to introduce Camden to Santa. Kingston really wanted to have his picture made with Rudolph, but unfortunately he was not there.

Smiling with Santa

Camden and Kingston both have questions for Santa: Kingston- "Where is Rudolph?" Camden- We aren't sure of his question, but he always has his hand raised!!

Kingston and Mackenzie giving kisses in the gingerbread house.

Kingston is getting a bag of food for the reindeer. The helper doesn't look to thrilled to be there. Must be the 3oo+ kids she's going to have to help tonight!

Kingston is trying to figure out the snow.

Snow angels are the BEST!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Cave

Kingston decided that he would make a cave out of the pillows on our bed. He discovered that Camden could join in on the fun too! Boy, I had a hard time keeping pillows and feet off Camden. Somehow he survived playing with his brother!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Merry Christmas

This morning before church I was able to get my whole crew to take a picture in front of the tree. Kingston wanted to get on his knees like Daddy, but we managed to convince him to stand so he could be in the picture. Jelly beans were the treat of choice for smiling for the camera!

Fun Faces

What have the Barber Boys been doing?

More Lovin'

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ornaments and Hot Sauce

What do these two things have in common??? Kingston's mouth!

Kingston decided that the spice ornament that we made last year was a cookie. I've told him repeatedly that it is NOT a cookie. He just couldn't take my word for it and while I was in the shower he decided to take a bite of the ornament. I probably would have never even noticed that the ornament was gone except he came up stairs to check on me and he had brown spice on his mouth and shirt. When I asked him where the ornament was he led me straight to the trash can and proudly told me he spit out the bite he had taken.

Well the rule in our house is if the mouth breaks the rule, the mouth gets hot sauce! Boy was Kingston unhappy with the choice he had made. Hopefully he has learned his lesson!

By the way, it was very difficult to not laugh. He was SO sad about the whole thing!

Saturday, November 29, 2008


We had a great Thanksgiving filled with family, fun, food and football. Kingston was in heaven with four cousins to play with! Gabe and Camden enjoyed "hanging" out too! Kingston was excited to help put up Aunt Kathy's Christmas tree, make mints with Mimi, and spend countless hours playing outside. Chris and I were very thankful for all of the extra help and great food! (Mimi and Pops sacrificed sleep and kept Kingston in the hotel with them!)

Monday, November 24, 2008

First outing to church

Camden made his first appearance at church on Sunday. This was also the Sunday that Chris was leading worship, so I had both boys by myself (and some help from my wonderful friends)! We managed to get to church early and settled in before worship started. Camden slept the whole time and only woke up when we were about 2 min. from the house! Overall it was a successful outing!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Camden Claus is coming too...

Kingston Claus is coming to town...

Here's some of the silly pictures from our Christmas card photo shoot. Both boys did a great job! Kingston "earned" three treats from the candy bag. It's amazing what kids will do for some candy!!!

This is Kingston's CHEESE it's cold outside face!

Kingston was a very proud big brother. He really enjoyed loving on his Camden and took very good care of him!

I love this shot! Camden looks very scared of what is happening to him. Too much loving big bro!

Friday, November 21, 2008


Kingston and I got out the Baby Einstein mat for Camden to play on today. Kingston enjoyed it just as much as Camden did!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

A Family Visit

Camden gets some lovin' from Aunt Maria, Uncle Julian, and Gimme Mama! Kingston was glad to have more friends to play with. Thanks Aunt Maria for the cool train!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

We love cookies!

The boys show off their special cookies from the Bakers.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Two Sweet Boys

This has become Kingston's morning routine: eat breakfast, turn on cartoons, hold Camden while watching cartoons! I have to fight the boy to get Camden back!!!! I'm so glad Kingston loves his brother so much.
