Sunday, February 24, 2008

Big Boy Room

Well, the big boy room is finally here. It has been a process. It started back around November when he was constantly crawling out of his crib. We knew the time had come to take down the crib. I was losing my baby, but gaining a more independent big boy. We decided we would try a toddler bed for a while. I looked on the online garage sales for a "cute" bed. I found a yellow car and a red firetruck. I decided Kingston should take some ownership is this process, so he picked the firetruck. He LOVED his new bed. And I know everyone is wondering....would Kingston get out of his new bed??? Surprisingly no. We role-played the proper use of the new bed. Kingston became a pro at calling mommy when he woke up instead of coming to find me. A few weeks ago, Mimi and Pops came and helped finish Kingston's room. We painted, cleaned, changed fixtures, supported ceiling fans, and bordered the wall. After two years in the house Kingston finally has a "new" room!


Spellings Fam said...

YEAH! Looking forward to keeping up with Kingston.

loui said...

That is the COOLEST bed ever-- I want one!! Great blog, so glad no matter where we are we can stay connected.

Amy Griffin said...

Yeah, congrats on the blog - it's cute!
