Thursday, February 28, 2008

Good Morning!

Kingston wakes up ready to go in the mornings. This morning he was having a conversation with his lamp. He was basically willing it to come on, so he could get out of bed. Of course everybody in the neighborhood knows when his lamp comes on. A loud...."Mommy, lamps on! Moooommmmmmy...lamps on!" can be heard around the world. He's so funny, because when I come in to get him, he points to his lamp to make sure I can see that it's on too. Then he throws his "friends" out of the bed and then jumps out too! He then goes into full question/talking mode and prancing mode all at the same time. Wow! I so wish I had just a portion of his energy in the morning! He must get that from his dad!

1 comment:

Laurel said...

Mackenzie loves school so much. Her first comment in the morning is, "What color is it today?"
